Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Honey Mustard

As I eat my dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets on this short lunch break, I start to think about how tasty honey mustard really is! It's creamy and tangy, just the right combination of seasonings to perfectly compliment my dino-nuggets! I also like to top many things such as hamburgers and french fries with ketchup and ranch dressing. What are some of your favorite condiments? What do you like to eat them on?


Short- brief, small
Break- crack, pause
Tasty- yummy, flavorful
Tangy-strong smell, flavor; tart
Compliment- praise, flattery
Favorite- beloved, popular

Cloze Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the correct word above.

1) After working 10 hours today, I need a well-deserved _____.
2) Standing only four feet tall, the 20-year-old man is the definition of ____.
3) After doing well on my presentation, my teacher gave me the nicest ______.
4) My _____ movie of all time is Platoon.
5) The chicken nuggets I ate were _____, full of flavor and spice!
6) I put mustard on my hot dog so that it would have a ____ taste.

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